Signature continues ambitious expansion with New Investment

LONDON – June 18, 2015 – Signature Entertainment are proud to announce an investment partnership with UK businessman David Sullivan.


David Sullivan has today announced his investment in Signature Entertainment, the fastest growing film distribution operation in the UK.


Signature Entertainment is the leading independent film distributor in the UK, having released more titles than any other film distributor in 2015 across DVD, digital and theatrical platforms. Signature’s recent success include a number one home entertainment chart topper, Legends of Oz: Dorothy’s Return, and the UK’s biggest Premium VOD release, Predestination.


Signature Entertainment Owner and MD, Marc Goldberg and David Sullivan said today that the injection of funds will help to grow the business and allow Signature to go to the next level, allowing for more tentpole acquisitions and international expansion.


Goldberg said, “David’s investment will help to bolster our already impressive slate for 2016 and beyond, and will allow us to reach our ambitious goals in the months and years ahead. David’s decision to invest in Signature only highlights our burgeoning reputation and will help to cement our place as the fastest growing, and most commercial UK film distributor.”


‘’I have known David for a number of years and more recently we have worked closely together on our forthcoming releases The Rise of the Krays/The Fall of the Krays. I believe with David’s business acumen and financial firepower it gives the team and I the opportunity to take Signature into a new era whilst still keeping the core entrepreneurial spirit flowing.”


Sullivan said, “I admire what Marc and the Signature team have achieved in a very short space of time. From what I have seen, there is clearly a gap in the UK market for a company like Signature to thrive and grow. I am looking forward to giving Signature the resource and support to expand the business. I will have a hands off role and allow the great team to continue running the company in the impressive manner that it already does.”