The Little Mermaid
Inspired by the Hans Christian Andersen fairy-tale, this heart-warming fantasy-adventure follows a young girl who discovers a beautiful, enchanting woman she believes to be the real “Little Mermaid”.
William Moseley (The Chronicles of Narnia, The Royals) stars as Cam Harrison, a young reporter following a big story about a Mermaid, Poppy Drayton (Downton Abbey), and a magic healing water. Together with his niece, they travel to a small town in Mississippi and uncover a legend that’s as mysterious as the circus they find it in.
Also staring Academy Award Winner Shirley MacLaine (Steel Magnolias) and Gina Gershon (Showgirls), this magical and inspiring story of love will swim out of the ocean and into your hearts.
Digital Release: August 20, 2018
DVD Release: August 20, 2018
Shirley Maclaine,
Gina Gershon,
William Moseley