Mythica: A Quest For Heroes

Mythica: A Quest For Heroes

Mythica follows the enchanting adventures of Marek, a wizard born with the dark powers of necromancy, trapped in a life of eternal servitude. With the help of a beautiful priestess, Teela, Marek escapes her master and assembles a team of adventurers to embark on an epic quest to rescue Teela’s sister from a vicious Ogre.

Marek’s powers are put to the test as she learns to harness the magic that threatens to corrupt her. Featuring a formidable heroine, a band of brutish brothers, and a startling fantasy world, Mythica depicts the spellbinding tale of Marek’s fight for freedom.


Digital Release: May 11, 2015

DVD Release: May 11, 2015


Melanie Stone
Adam Johnson
Jake Stormoen


Anne K. Black