Fortress is an all-out-action cyber-thriller from the producers of Lone Survivor and The Irishman and starring the action powerhouse Bruce Willis, Escape Plan II’s Jesse Metcalfe, One Tree Hill’s Chad Michael Murray, and Shannen Doherty (90210, Charmed).
Robert (Willis) is a retired CIA agent living at a secret resort in the woods. One day, his estranged son drives to the camp for a visit — but he’s followed by Robert’s old nemesis, Balzary (Murray). As the site is besieged by Balzary’s attack squad, father and son retreat to a high-tech bunker.
But are its steel walls and advanced weapons powerful enough to match Balzary’s bloodthirsty plans for revenge?
Digital Release: March 28, 2022
DVD Release: April 11, 2022
Bruce Willis, Jesse Metcalfe (Escape Plan II), Chad Michael Murray (One Tree Hill) and Shannen Doherty (90210, Charmed)
Directed by James Cullen Bressack and written by Alan Horsnail